Repeatability of hyperpolarized 129-Xe and oxygen-enhanced MRI


Repeatability and correlation of hyperpolarized xenon-129 and oxygen-enhanced MRI parameters in healthy volunteers (Conference Abstract)

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Repeatability of hyperpolarized 129-Xe and oxygen-enhanced MRI

Repeatability and correlation of hyperpolarized xenon-129 and oxygen-enhanced MRI parameters in healthy volunteers

by Paul J.C. Hughes, Marta Tibiletti, Matthew J. Heaton, Ho-Fung Chan, Guilhem J. Collier, Matthew Austin, Laurie J. Smith, Jim Lithgow, Josephine H. Naish, Jim M. Wild, and Geoff J.M. Parker on behalf of the TRISTAN Consortium

ISMRM 2020


Abstract #2305

Hyperpolarised xenon-129 MRI has shown utility in longitudinal assessment of lung structure and function, and has been shown to be a repeatable method. Oxygen enhanced MRI is a cheaper method of imaging different aspects of lung function. This work aimed to assess a single-centre repeatability of multiple metrics from both imaging methods in volunteers, and assess any correlations between xenon-129 and oxygen enhanced metrics of lung function.


Repeatability of hyperpolarized 129-Xe and oxygen-enhanced MRI
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TOF-SIMS for localization of Zr-Transtuzumab


Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry imaging for precise localization of zirconium-labelled trastuzumab in xenograft cancer tumour tissues

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TOF-SIMS for localization of 89Zr-Transtuzumab

Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry imaging for precise localization of zirconium-labelled trastuzumab in xenograft cancer tumour tissues

by Florent Penen, Rene Raave, Annemarie Kip, Sandra Heskamp, Per Malmberg on behalf of the TRISTAN Consortium

Microchemical Journal 181 (2022) 107860. doi: 10.1016/j.microc.2022.107860



The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) specific radiotracer zirconium-Desferrioxamine(DFO)-trastuzumab was visualized ex-vivo by Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) imaging in ovarian and breast cancer xenograft tumor sections. Heterogeneous spatial distribution of [90Zr+] ions reflected the heterogeneous localization of trastuzumab, observed in parallel by immunohistochemistry staining in HER2+ tumors. Our results show that ToF-SIMS imaging is a quick and sensitive technique to image zirconium labelled biologics at microscale in tissues.


TOF-SIMS for localization of Zr-Transtuzumab
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Translational ILD models


Development of translational ILD models: How drug-induced side effects trigger alterations in the lung tissue upon systemical long-term exposure? (Conference Abstract)

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Translational ILD models

Development of translational ILD models: How drug-induced side effects trigger alterations in the lung tissue upon systemical long-term exposure?

by I Mahmutovic Persson, H Falk Håkansson, J Persson, P Önnervik, L E. Olsson, K Von Wachenfeldt  on behalf of the TRISTAN Consortium

ERJ Open Research 2020; 6(suppl 5): 66. doi: 10.1183/23120541.LSC-2020.66


Drug-induced interstitial lung disease (DIILD) is highly underdiagnosed and very few preclinical models exist to study these event. To address the increasing issue of drug-induced toxicity, we aimed to develop two translational models in rats using two different drugs; Bleomycin (BL) or Nitrofurantoin (NF). Here long-term systemic exposure to medication was applied to mimic clinical features.

Sprague-Dawley rats received BL or NF challenge subcutaneously, 3 days/week during 1-4 weeks. MRI was performed at week 5. At termination (week 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), BAL was collected and analysed for total protein and inflammatory cells. Lungs were further analysed by histology.

The two models showed diverse pathological alteration in the lungs (Figure). BL rats presented weight loss and significant increase (p<0.001) in BALF neutrophils. Low progression of fibrosis and hypertrophy of endothelium was seen in the BL group over time. NF group showed signs of lipid pneumonia and fibrotic loci formation early on, which stayed throughout the 4-5 weeks’ observation. NF rats gained weight and had elevated macrophage count in their BALF, vs control. Lesions were observed by MRI.

Here we present two DIILD models in rat, with distinct pathological changes over time showing two examples of alterations in the lung upon medication. These models serve as platforms for further biomarker development in DIILD.

Translational ILD models
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Comparison of Gadoxetate DCE-MRI models


Repeatability of hepatocellular uptake and efflux in the rat liver: A comparison of Gadoxetate DCE-MRI models (Conference Abstract)

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Comparison of Gadoxetate DCE-MRI models

Repeatability of hepatocellular uptake and efflux in the rat liver: A comparison of Gadoxetate DCE-MRI models 

by Sirisha Tadimalla, Claudia Green, Denise Steinmann, Sascha Koehler, Hans-Paul Juretschke, Iina Laitinen, John C. Watertone, Paul D. Hockingsg, Catherine D. Hines, Gunnar Schütz, Steven Sourbron on behalf of the TRISTAN Consortium

ISMRM 2019

Conference Abstract


Comparison of Gadoxetate DCE-MRI models
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18F-IL12 for activated T-cells


[18F]AlF-RESCA-IL2 for imaging activated T-cells (Conference Abstract)

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18F-IL12 for activated T-cells

[18F]AlF-RESCA-IL2 for imaging activated T-cells

by I. Antunes, E. L. van der Veen, F. V. Suurs, F. Cleeren, G. Bormans, P. H. Elsinga, R. A. J. O. Dierckx, M. N. Lub-de Hooge, E. G. E. de Vries, Erik F. de Vries on behalf of the TRISTAN Consortium

32nd Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)

Conference Abstract


18F-IL12 for activated T-cells
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Gadoxetate DCE-MRI liver models


A classification of Gadoxetate DCE-MRI liver models (Conference Abstract)

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Gadoxetate DCE-MRI liver models

A classification of Gadoxetate DCE-MRI liver models

by Sirisha Tadimalla and Steven Sourbron 

ISMRM 2019

Conference Abstract


Gadoxetate DCE-MRI liver models
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PBPK Modelling to Predict Hepatic Transporter Mediated DDI


Use of In Vivo Imaging and Physiologically-Based Kinetic Modelling to Predict Hepatic Transporter Mediated Drug–Drug Interactions in Rats

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PBPK Modelling to Predict Hepatic Transporter Mediated DDI

Use of In Vivo Imaging and Physiologically-Based Kinetic Modelling to Predict Hepatic Transporter Mediated Drug–Drug Interactions in Rats

by Nicola Melillo, Daniel Scotcher, J. Gerry Kenna, Claudia Green, Catherine D. G. Hines, Iina Laitinen, Paul D. Hockings, Kayode Ogungbenro, Ebony R. Gunwhy, Steven Sourbron, John C. Waterton, Gunnar Schuetz and Aleksandra Galetin on behalf of the TRISTAN Consortium

Pharmaceutics 15, Nr. 3 (10. März 2023): 896. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15030896


Gadoxetate, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent, is a substrate of organic-anion-transporting polypeptide 1B1 and multidrug resistance-associated protein 2. Six drugs, with varying degrees of transporter inhibition, were used to assess gadoxetate dynamic contrast enhanced MRI biomarkers for transporter inhibition in rats. Prospective prediction of changes in gadoxetate systemic and liver AUC (AUCR), resulting from transporter modulation, were performed by physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling. A tracer-kinetic model was used to estimate rate constants for hepatic uptake (khe), and biliary excretion (kbh). The observed median fold-decreases in gadoxetate liver AUC were 3.8- and 1.5-fold for ciclosporin and rifampicin, respectively. Ketoconazole unexpectedly decreased systemic and liver gadoxetate AUCs; the remaining drugs investigated (asunaprevir, bosentan, and pioglitazone) caused marginal changes. Ciclosporin decreased gadoxetate khe and kbh by 3.78 and 0.09 mL/min/mL, while decreases for rifampicin were 7.20 and 0.07 mL/min/mL, respectively. The relative decrease in khe (e.g., 96% for ciclosporin) was similar to PBPK-predicted inhibition of uptake (97–98%). PBPK modelling correctly predicted changes in gadoxetate systemic AUCR, whereas underprediction of decreases in liver AUCs was evident. The current study illustrates the modelling framework and integration of liver imaging data, PBPK, and tracer-kinetic models for prospective quantification of hepatic transporter-mediated DDI in humans.

PBPK Modelling to Predict Hepatic Transporter Mediated DDI
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MRI and PET in a translational ILD mouse model


In vivo MRI and PET imaging in a translational ILD mouse model expressing non-resolving fibrosis and bronchiectasis-like pathology after repeated systemic exposure to bleomycin

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MRI and PET in a translational ILD mouse model

In vivo MRI and PET imaging in a translational ILD mouse model expressing non-resolving fibrosis and bronchiectasis-like pathology after repeated systemic exposure to bleomycin

by Mahmutovic Persson, Irma, Nina Fransén Petterson, Jian Liu, René In ‘T Zandt, Carla Carvalho, Anders Örbom, Lars E. Olsson, und Karin Von Wachenfeldt on behalf of the TRISTAN Consortium

Frontiers in Medicine 11 (9. April 2024): 1276420. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2024.1276420


Methods: Drug-induced interstitial lung disease (ILD) is crucial to detect early to achieve the best treatment outcome. Optimally, non-invasive imaging biomarkers can be used for early detection of disease progression and treatment follow-up. Therefore, reliable in vivo models are warranted in new imaging biomarker development to accelerate better-targeted treatment options. Single-dose bleomycin models have, for a long time, served as a reference model in fibrosis and lung injury research. Here, we aimed to use a clinically more relevant animal model by systemic exposure to bleomycin and assessing disease progression over time by combined magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging.

C57BL/6 mice received bleomycin (i.p. 35iU/kg) or saline as control twice per week for 4 weeks. Mice were monitored until 2 weeks after cessation of bleomycin administration (w4 + 1 and w4 + 2), referred to as the resting period. MRI scans were performed in weeks 3 and 4 and during the resting weeks. [18F]FDG-PET was performed at the last week of dosing (w4) and 2 weeks after the last dosing (w4 + 2). Lung tissue sections were stained with Masson’s trichrome and evaluated by modified Ashcroft scoring. Lung volume and lesion volumes were assessed using MRI, as well as 3D mapping of the central airways.

Results and discussion: Bleomycin-challenged mice showed increased lung weights (p < 0.05), while total lung volume was unchanged (w4 and onward). Histology analysis demonstrated fibrotic lesions emanating from the distal parts of the lung. Fibrosis progression was visualized by MRI with significantly increased high signal in bleomycin-exposed lungs compared to controls (p < 0.05). In addition, a significant increase in central airway diameter (p < 0.01) was displayed in bleomycin-exposed animals compared to controls and further continued to dilate as the disease progressed, comparing the bleomycin groups over time (p < 0.05–0.001). Lung [18F]FDG uptake was significantly elevated in bleomycin-exposed mice compared to controls (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: Non-invasive imaging displayed progressing lesions in the lungs of bleomycin-exposed mice, using two distinct MRI sequences and [18F]FDG-PET. With observed fibrosis progression emanating from distal lung areas, dilation of the central airways was evident. Taken together, this chronic bleomycin-exposure model is translationally more relevant for studying lung injury in ILD and particularly in the context of DIILD.

MRI and PET in a translational ILD mouse model
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MRI and PET to assess inflammation and fibrogenesis in rats


Utilizing MRI, [18F]FDG-PET and [89Zr]Zr-DFO-28H1 FAP-PET tracer to assess inflammation and fibrogenesis in a reproducible lung injury rat model: a multimodal imaging study

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MRI and PET to assess inflammation and fibrogenesis in rats

Utilizing MRI, [18F]FDG-PET and [89Zr]Zr-DFO-28H1 FAP-PET tracer to assess inflammation and fibrogenesis in a reproducible lung injury rat model: a multimodal imaging study

by Boswinkel, Milou, René Raavé, Andor Veltien, Tom Wj Scheenen, Nina Fransén Petterson, René In ‘T Zandt, Lars E. Olsson, Karin Von Wachenfeldt, Sandra Heskamp, und Irma Mahmutovic Persson on behalf of the TRISTAN Consortium

Frontiers in Nuclear Medicine 3 (12. Dezember 2023): 1306251. doi: 10.3389/fnume.2023.1306251


Objective: Accurate imaging biomarkers that indicate disease progression at an early stage are highly important to enable timely mitigation of symptoms in progressive lung disease. In this context, reproducible experimental models and readouts are key. Here, we aim to show reproducibility of a lung injury rat model by inducing disease and assessing disease progression by multi-modal non-invasive imaging techniques at two different research sites. Furthermore, we evaluated the potential of fibroblast activating protein (FAP) as an imaging biomarker in the early stage of lung fibrosis.

Methods: An initial lung injury rat model was set up at one research site (Lund University, Lund, Sweden) and repeated at a second site (Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands). To induce lung injury, Sprague-Dawley rats received intratracheal instillation of bleomycin as one single dose (1,000 iU in 200 µL) or saline as control. Thereafter, longitudinal images were acquired to track inflammation in the lungs, at 1 and 2 weeks after the bleomycin challenge by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and [18F]FDG-PET. After the final [18F]FDG-PET scan, rats received an intravenous tracer [89Zr]Zr-DFO-28H1 (anti-FAP antibody) and were imaged at day 15 to track fibrogenesis. Upon termination, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed to assess cell and protein concentration. Subsequently, the biodistribution of [89Zr]Zr-DFO-28H1 was measured ex vivo and the spatial distribution in lung tissue was studied by autoradiography. Lung sections were stained and fibrosis assessed using the modified Ashcroft score.

Results: Bleomycin-challenged rats showed body weight loss and increased numbers of immune cells and protein concentrations after BAL compared with control animals. The initiation and progression of the disease were reproduced at both research sites. Lung lesions in bleomycin-exposed rats were visualized by MRI and confirmed by histology. [18F]FDG uptake was higher in the lungs of bleomycin-challenged rats compared with the controls, similar to that observed in the Lund study. [89Zr]Zr-DFO-28H1 tracer uptake in the lung was increased in bleomycin-challenged rats compared with control rats (p = 0.03).

Conclusion: Here, we demonstrate a reproducible lung injury model and monitored disease progression using conventional imaging biomarkers MRI and [18F]FDG-PET. Furthermore, we showed the first proof-of-concept of FAP imaging. This reproducible and robust animal model and imaging experimental set-up allows for future research on new therapeutics or biomarkers in lung disease.

MRI and PET to assess inflammation and fibrogenesis in rats
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Lung Perfusion Imaging with Contrast Media


Imaging Human Lung Perfusion with Contrast Media: A Meta-Analysis

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Lung Perfusion Imaging with Contrast Media

Imaging Human Lung Perfusion with Contrast Media: A Meta-Analysis

by Edwards, Lucy, John C Waterton, Josephine Naish, Christopher Short, Thomas Semple, Geoff Jm Parker, und Marta Tibiletti on behalf of the TRISTAN Consortium

European Journal of Radiology 164 (Juli 2023): 110850. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2023.110850


To pool and summarise published data of pulmonary blood flow (PBF), pulmonary blood volume (PBV) and mean transit time (MTT) of the human lung, obtained with perfusion MRI or CT to provide reliable reference values of healthy lung tissue. In addition, the available data regarding diseased lung was investigated.
PubMed was systematically searched to identify studies that quantified PBF/PBV/MTT in the human lung by injection of contrast agent, imaged by MRI or CT. Only data analysed by ‘indicator dilution theory’ were considered numerically. Weighted mean (wM), weighted standard deviation (wSD) and weighted coefficient of variance (wCoV) were obtained for healthy volunteers (HV), weighted according to the size of the datasets. Signal to concentration conversion method, breath holding method and presence of ‘pre-bolus’ were noted.
PBV was obtained from 313 measurements from 14 publications (wM: 13.97 ml/100 ml, wSD: 4.21 ml/100 ml, wCoV 0.30). MTT was obtained from 188 measurements from 10 publications (wM: 5.91 s, wSD: 1.84 s wCoV 0.31). PBF was obtained from 349 measurements from 14 publications (wM: 246.26 ml/100 ml ml/min, wSD: 93.13 ml/100 ml ml/min, wCoV 0.38). PBV and PBF were higher when the signal was normalised than when it was not. No significant differences were found for PBV and PBF between breathing states or between pre-bolus and no pre-bolus. Data for diseased lung were insufficient for meta-analysis.
Reference values for PBF, MTT and PBV were obtained in HV. The literature data are insufficient to draw strong conclusions regarding disease reference values.

Lung Perfusion Imaging with Contrast Media
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